Spray paint is one of the easiest ways to add a touch of colour to your project. It’s available in perhaps any colour you want and can be purchased online or in store.
Using spray paint seems like an easy process but you should consider few things if you want better results. Here are some tips and tricks you can follow:
1. Read the instructions carefully
Instructions are important. You should take a minute to read them. Do you know how long to shake the can before spraying? Or how far to hold the spray can from the object? Don’t forget to read the instructions.
2. Sweep, don’t point
A spray can isn’t a camera so don’t point and shoot. Sweep the can horizontally and vertically past the object as you spray to get an even coat of paint. You can also get in touch with On site spray painting experts for better results.
3. Use a large dropcloth
You should use large plastic or cloth dropcloth instead of taping together newspapers that might fall apart as you paint.
4. Use a handle
You should use an aftermarket spray can handle for better results.
5. Do a pattern test
You should spray a test shot onto a piece of plywood to see the spray pattern. Depending on the spray pattern you can change your technique.
6. Stay Safe
Ensure the work area has proper ventilation.
7. Prepare the surface
Most materials must be cleaned, sanded and dried before spray painting application for better results. You should apply a primer for a smoother surface.
8. Allow the project to dry
Different finishes require specific drying times. Wait for the recommended time before moving the object.