Offices are so much more than a working desk and loads of paper. With work cultures changing, modern brands/businesses are looking to create an environment that boosts the morale of the employees to get the work done. As opposed to management tactics and strict work ethics, a good office environment has been seen to impact positively on the productivity of a workplace.
Things like good lighting, proper ventilation, workspace layout, storage, ergonomic furnishing, the paint on the wall, etc can be of substantial impact. However, according to a recent survey, more than 90% of global employees are dissatisfied with the office space they work in. The complaints range from lack of privacy to a dull environment.
If you have been facing these complaints, it is advisable to go for an immediate office refurbishing. The characteristics of the physical environment have always had its impact on a worker’s well being, behavior and thus their productivity. Given your budget, a lot can be planned. To make your day easier, here are some ideas for a healthy office refurbishment.
1. Start by creating a list of requirement and it would be worthwhile to interact and consult with your staff in the process. Only they know what’s wrong with the current design and what alternatives could be better.
2. Keeping the buildings physical limitations in mind (including floor space) you can work with an interior designer to chalk out the best possible solution.
3. Office refurbishment is a good opportunity to highlight the personality of the brand itself. There are many ways to relate the positivity of your brand with that of the office space. Overall, your employees should feel special to be working for your brand.
4. Another important consideration is the budget. It helps to prioritize refurbishment checklist to understand what could be done and what couldn’t be touched.
5. When you hire office refurbishment services, ensure that they have the insurance to cover damages. This would also be a good time to review your own insurance policies.
6. If you are a busy office, the refurbishment needs to go step by step. It is important that the normal day is least interrupted and that work continues as usual. Weekends are a solution. Further, you can also shift around desks for some days to complete the refurbishment of the main spaces.
7. Ensure that the person responsible for overseeing the refurbishment has enough years of experience behind him/her. The professional might also help you with more suitable alternatives and budget cuts.
8. This will also be an opportunity to think about the years ahead and the growth of your business/brand. An office refurbishment process can be a way to accommodate a growing number of desks.
9. Technology will be a key to redefining office spaces and making it less clustered and boring. Wi-Fi for instance can free up spaces that were previously used by dedicated desks.
10. Bring in fun and color into the office. All work and no play will actually make your employees a dull professional. The aesthetics of a room can actually foster a lot of creativity, logical thinking and ability to work. Small things like the color on the wall, the lighting, the color of the curtains, the shape of the desks, plant pots, etc can make a difference.
When it comes to a dynamic and highly productive office space, Google has always stood as a good example. For its employees, the office space has been one of the top reasons to join the company and commit a long term service! Make the environment look and feel happy.